What an honor!
Being chosen for the A-List on both Ad Age and Creativity was a very nice surprise to start this year, especially considering the amazing company on the list. We're humbled (but thrilled) to be included alongside these industry leaders. We are the only San Francisco-based agency to make either list and 1 of 4 agencies to be named on both lists.
In the words of AdAge Editor, Abbey Klaassen:
"The big brand ideas ad agencies are generating for marketers are no longer limited to traditional advertising, It points to how exciting this industry has become and the endless opportunities for smart agencies who think of themselves as true business problem solvers."
To our incredible clients - thank you for your trust. To our investors at Grupo ABC who believed in us from the very beginning - obrigado amigos. And of course to the editors of Ad Age and Creativity - thank you for this honor.
We look forward to making the work even better in 2013
Read the article in AdAge at