During a heatwave, NYers will go to see ANY movie just for the AC. So we made a whole movie about that. Just that. Welcome to the longest product placement in the history of film, baby! Brought to you by NY’s favorite AC, The Midea U.

Last month, heat records were set in several cities across the U.S.,* including New York City, which boasted the hottest July on record with temperatures reaching 90 degrees or higher ten times in July.** New Yorkers will go to ridiculous lengths to escape the heat and seek refuge in cool air, including spending a leisurely afternoon at the delightfully air conditioned local movie theater. It doesn’t matter what’s showing as long as it’s cool, and on Wednesday, August 17, New Yorkers will get the chance to watch the coolest film of the summer at Village East by Angelika where appliance leader Midea America, is premiering a 90-minute film of their best-selling U-shaped Inverter window AC unit, the Midea U.

To highlight the need for better AC, Midea shot a feature length film of an air conditioner visual as it cools an NYC apartment. It’s that simple; it is an entire 90 minutes of cool. As theatergoers watch the Midea U in action, they will be treated to 90 minutes of a refreshingly cool air conditioned theater during what has been one of the hottest summers on record, along with free popcorn and crisp cold soda.

90 Minutes of Air Conditioning (Full Movie)

“In 1965, Andy Warhol released Empire, an eight-hour five-minute long static b/w view of the Empire State Building in which nothing happens. Now, we're not saying that the creatives at Pereira O’Dell were actively inspired by the pop artist's epic experiment in boredom, but with their 90 Minutes of Air Conditioning release, they might have inadvertently created a sequel.”

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Annie’s Homegrown

Annie's. More Than Just Food.

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My Idea for Midea

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