• Future of Learning
  • 2011

The Phoenix Lecture Series captured insights from the most influential business thinkers of our generation and exposed students to the theories that will shape and define the world in which they work and live.

  • Future of Learning
  • 2011

This video series features Harvard Business School's Clayton Christensen, London Business School’s Gary Hamel, and co-founder of MIT Media Lab Nicholas Negroponte, through a seamless and meaningful integration of technology and content.

The lectures utilize digital infographics, blending high-level content and imagery into explanative narratives that represent complex premises, evoke critical thinking and address social issues. One of the most impactful techniques is the use of a specialized high-definition video projection system that presents Mr. Negroponte as a holographic-like image projected onto a stage in front of a live audience.

Behind the Scenes

A Awards

MMore Campaigns

Stella Artois

Daydream (in the Life Artois)

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Snoop Dogg/Jambox

Obrigado, Brasil!

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