• 2012

This campaign celebrates the unusual pairings and crazy combinations that make the card game so insanely fun to play.

  • 2012

You know when you’re up late, sleepless and jetlagged in some Bangkok hotel, and you turn on the TV to find a shirtless Abraham Lincoln dance-chopping to house music? Yeah. Neither do we.

From the aforementioned Sexy Abraham Lincoln, to a pirate so sensitive, his depth is measured in leagues. This campaign, running in US and Canada, features the curious combinations of red and green cards that Apples to Apples players can appreciate. It’s Apples to Apples. The game of crazy combinations.

Sensitive Pirate

Glamorous Bigfoot

Sexy Abe Lincoln

Dangerous Poodles

MMore Campaigns

ANDY Awards

Face The Future

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Hyatt Regency

It’s Good Not to Be Home

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